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The present tense in English - TOEIC preparation

un professeur enseignant le présent en anglais pour préparer le TOEIC

Present tense forms

In English, the present tense can have 2 forms :

  • Le présent simple : I read every day
  • Le présent continu : I am reading

Usage contexts

These forms are used in different contexts.

The present simple is used for :

  • habits and routines : I read every day
  • general situations : I like swimming
  • scientific facts : Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius
  • scheduled events : The train leaves at 6 PM

The present continuous is used for :

  • ongoing activities or projects : I am working on a new project
  • temporary situations : She is staying with her friend for a week
  • slow changes : The weather is getting warmer
  • a very close future : We are leaving soon

Exercise for TOEIC training

Choose the correct form :

  • Right now, she reads / is reading a book.
  • Every morning, he drinks / are drinking coffee.
  • They usually play / are playing tennis on weekends.
  • Look! It rains / is raining outside.
  • She always eats / is eating lunch at 12:30 PM.

To view the answers to the exercise, click Present simple exercices for the TOEIC

Detailed courses

To go into more detail, here are our 2 courses that go into the details of these 2 forms:

  1. The present simple for the TOEIC
  2. The present continuous for the TOEIC
  3. The present simple VS the present continuous for the TOEIC
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